
노드에서 트랜잭션 풀을 검사하는 API입니다.

Namespace txpool API는 몇몇 비표준 RPC 메서드에 접근하여 현재 보류 상태일 뿐만 아니라 이후 처리되기 위해 대기 중인 모든 트랜잭션들을 담고 있는 트랜잭션 풀의 내용을 검사하도록 합니다


content 검사 속성을 조회하여 다음 블록(들)에 포함되기 위해 현재 보류 중인 트랜잭션 뿐 아니라 이후에 처리되기 위해 대기 중인 모든 트랜잭션의 상세한 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.

pendingqueued 등 두 개의 필드로 구성된 객체를 반환합니다. 각 필드는 연관 배열이며, 연관 배열의 각 항목은 발신자의 주소별로 대기 중인 트랜잭션 묶음을 보여줍니다. 트랜잭션 묶음 자체도 논스에 따른 각 트랜잭션의 내용으로 구성되어 있습니다.



Return Value



> txpool.content
  pending: {
    0x18352126c43E4EC314E41b632A0c1af6b233260b: {
      733: {
        blockHash: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        blockNumber: "0x0",
        from: "0x18352126c43e4ec314e41b632a0c1af6b233260b",
        gas: "0x5208",
        gasPrice: "0x0",
        input: "0x",
        nonce: "0x2dd",
        signatures: [...],
        to: "0x18352126c43e4ec314e41b632a0c1af6b233260b",
        transactionIndex: "0x0",
        txHash: "0xeeac2d4f1255e50659cd57a58e74e46d2af7122d91e347ca341d4e2cd7da689b",
        type: "TxTypeLegacyTransaction",
        value: "0x2"
    0x952c9a710Ce70D58FD5C55d45c4479b82dEA6DAC: {
      756: {
        blockHash: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        blockNumber: "0x0",
        from: "0x952c9a710ce70d58fd5c55d45c4479b82dea6dac",
        gas: "0x5208",
        gasPrice: "0x0",
        input: "0x",
        nonce: "0x2f4",
        signatures: [...],
        to: "0x6afe934786fe008c79577d85d8e1af1f6f14c73a",
        transactionIndex: "0x0",
        txHash: "0x0fad399b31b520e4af5bc9f2ea40de71854a7f3c41d5918d5ed120d1b4fc5154",
        type: "TxTypeLegacyTransaction",
        value: "0x1"
      757: {
        blockHash: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        blockNumber: "0x0",
        from: "0x952c9a710ce70d58fd5c55d45c4479b82dea6dac",
        gas: "0x5208",
        gasPrice: "0x0",
        input: "0x",
        nonce: "0x2f5",
        signatures: [...],
        to: "0x18352126c43e4ec314e41b632a0c1af6b233260b",
        transactionIndex: "0x0",
        txHash: "0xdfc3053ce6c27fd4610bb2e103837c4435f27bb6bb9dfd56110cbd2bbe5ea7fa",
        type: "TxTypeLegacyTransaction",
        value: "0x1"
  queued: {
    0x7dCef85A0356c36a0B43772e1F7C2e80cE029b96: {
      786: {
        blockHash: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        blockNumber: "0x0",
        from: "0x7dcef85a0356c36a0b43772e1f7c2e80ce029b96",
        gas: "0x5208",
        gasPrice: "0x0",
        input: "0x",
        nonce: "0x312",
        signatures: [...],
        to: "0x7dcef85a0356c36a0b43772e1f7c2e80ce029b96",
        transactionIndex: "0x0",
        txHash: "0xf90dab02c355b4f09d1b1f224380a278a03fc76d1fc7d866fb2ad2f503525717",
        type: "TxTypeLegacyTransaction",
        value: "0x0"
    0xd5B94dd456040612d721A8Eae1e4E97a70b92812: {
      742: {
        blockHash: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        blockNumber: "0x0",
        from: "0xd5b94dd456040612d721a8eae1e4e97a70b92812",
        gas: "0x5208",
        gasPrice: "0x0",
        input: "0x",
        nonce: "0x2e6",
        signatures: [...],
        to: "0xd5b94dd456040612d721a8eae1e4e97a70b92812",
        transactionIndex: "0x0",
        txHash: "0x6266969f1221b258bb2ce6fd2bcce88ad76be1e2b3eb5c770311a2bc0c2cc74a",
        type: "TxTypeLegacyTransaction",
        value: "0x2"


$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"txpool_content","id":1}' https://public-en-baobab.klaytn.net
#There is no pending transaction nor queued transaction.


inspect 검사 속성을 조회하여 다음 블록(들)에 포함되기 위해 현재 보류 중인 트랜잭션 뿐만 아니라 이후에 처리되기 위해 대기 중인 모든 트랜잭션의 요약본을 확인할 수 있습니다. 이 메서드는 개발자가 빠르게 트랜잭션 풀을 확인하고 잠재적인 문제를 찾을 수 있도록 만들어졌습니다.

The result is an object with two fields pending and queued. Each of these fields is associative arrays, in which each entry maps an origin-address to a batch of scheduled transactions. 트랜잭션 묶음 자체도 논스에 따른 각 트랜잭션의 내용으로 구성되어 있습니다.



Return Value



> txpool.inspect
  pending: {
    0x26588a9301b0428d95e6fc3a5024fce8bec12d51: {
      31813: "0x3375ee30428b2a71c428afa5e89e427905f95f7e: 0 peb + 500000 gas × 25000000000 peb"
    0x2a65aca4d5fc5b5c859090a6c34d164135398226: {
      563662: "0x958c1fa64b34db746925c6f8a3dd81128e40355e: 1051546810000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb",
      563663: "0x77517b1491a0299a44d668473411676f94e97e34: 1051190740000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb",
      563664: "0x3e2a7fe169c8f8eee251bb00d9fb6d304ce07d3a: 1050828950000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb",
      563665: "0xaf6c4695da477f8c663ea2d8b768ad82cb6a8522: 1050544770000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb",
      563666: "0x139b148094c50f4d20b01caf21b85edb711574db: 1048598530000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb",
      563667: "0x48b3bd66770b0d1eecefce090dafee36257538ae: 1048367260000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb"
    0x9174e688d7de157c5c0583df424eaab2676ac162: {
      3: "0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413: 30000000000000000000 peb + 85000 gas × 25000000000 peb"
    0xb18f9d01323e150096650ab989cfecd39d757aec: {
      777: "0xcd79c72690750f079ae6ab6ccd7e7aedc03c7720: 0 peb + 1000000 gas × 25000000000 peb"
    0xb2916c870cf66967b6510b76c07e9d13a5d23514: {
      2: "0x576f25199d60982a8f31a8dff4da8acb982e6aba: 26000000000000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb"
    0xbc0ca4f217e052753614d6b019948824d0d8688b: {
      0: "0x2910543af39aba0cd09dbb2d50200b3e800a63d2: 1000000000000000000 peb + 50000 gas × 25000000000 peb"
    0xea674fdde714fd979de3edf0f56aa9716b898ec8: {
      70148: "0xe39c55ead9f997f7fa20ebe40fb4649943d7db66: 1000767667434026200 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb"
  queued: {
    0x0f6000de1578619320aba5e392706b131fb1de6f: {
      6: "0x8383534d0bcd0186d326c993031311c0ac0d9b2d: 9000000000000000000 peb + 21000 gas × 25000000000 peb"
    0x5b30608c678e1ac464a8994c3b33e5cdf3497112: {
      6: "0x9773547e27f8303c87089dc42d9288aa2b9d8f06: 50000000000000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb"
    0x976a3fc5d6f7d259ebfb4cc2ae75115475e9867c: {
      3: "0x346fb27de7e7370008f5da379f74dd49f5f2f80f: 140000000000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb"
    0x9b11bf0459b0c4b2f87f8cebca4cfc26f294b63a: {
      2: "0x24a461f25ee6a318bdef7f33de634a67bb67ac9d: 17000000000000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb",
      6: "0x6368f3f8c2b42435d6c136757382e4a59436a681: 17990000000000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb",
      7: "0x6368f3f8c2b42435d6c136757382e4a59436a681: 17900000000000000000 peb + 90000 gas × 25000000000 peb"


$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"txpool_inspect","id":1}' https://public-en-baobab.klaytn.net
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":{"pending":{"0x1A789E38cD567a00b7Fb8e1D39100ac395fa463B":{"0":"0x87AC99835e67168d4f9a40580f8F5C33550bA88b: 0 peb + 99000000 gas × 25000000000 peb"},"0xAb552FC3d76de919c74435A4C6B04576a9763934":{"0":"0x87AC99835e67168d4f9a40580f8F5C33550bA88b: 0 peb + 99000000 gas × 25000000000 peb"}},"queued":{}}}


status 검사 속성을 조회하여 다음 블록(들)에 포함되기 위해 현재 보류 중인 트랜잭션 뿐만 아니라 이후에 처리되기 위해 대기 중인 모든 트랜잭션의 개수를 확인할 수 있습니다.

pendingqueued 등 두 개의 필드로 구성된 객체를 결과로 반환하며, 각 필드는 해당 상태의 트랜잭션 수를 나타냅니다.



Return Value



> txpool.status
  pending: 10,
  queued: 7


$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"txpool_status","id":1}' https://public-en-baobab.klaytn.net

Last updated